Welcome to the Floral Art Group
GHS Members would be welcome to join The Floral Art Group, who meet at the United Reformed Church (rear hall) - Balmoral Road, Gillingham, Kent, usually on the first and third Tuesday of the month between 7.30-9.00pm. The group will be delighted to meet anyone who is interested in enjoying this beautiful craft.
There is an active schedule of meetings, arranged in a way that enables all members to learn new skills through a programme of practical meetings, workshops, and teaching evenings throughout the year, where members share their skills.
Sept 5th “Get it together” – arrangement of your choice and pre-show talk
Sat. 9th GHS Autumn Show – see your Floral Art Show Schedule
19th # “Imposed” night
Oct 3rd “Harvest” – arrangement of your choice to include fruit, flowers, etc
17th “Straight Up” – a vertical arrangement
Nov 7th “Autumn colour” – an autumn wreath
21st “L of a life” – an ‘L’ shaped arrangement
Dec 19th “It’s Christmas” – Christmas table arrangement (fresh or artificial)
# IMPOSED - This means we supply each member with a selection of unspecified material(s) [within a previously agreed budget] and you then prepare arrangement(s) – we’ve never seen 2 the same yet!
We always try to give tips and recommendations for each meeting at the meeting or two in advance so you are not left pondering what to bring etc on the night.
The more experienced members are also involved on the rota for providing floral displays for Rochester Cathedral, and have provided demonstrations for local gardening centres.
The group also has a sales table, providing most items needed for floral work at much cheaper prices than florists/normal retailers.
(Please note the Floral Art Group are a part of GHS and attendees need to join Gillingham Horticultural Society.)
FAG meeting charges (to cover hall hire, heating and refreshments)
Membership £30.00 per year
Accompanied juniors aged 11+ £ 0.50 per meeting
Please Contact Kaye Buss on 01634 232998 for more details
Kaye Buss demonstrating her craft to the GHS members on 31 October 2018